Living through the Rona Outbreak, 7500 Miles from Home — An Irregular Edition of Nerd Farmer Podcast

Originally posted on Nerd Farmer Podcast by Nate

April 7, 2020

Man, we really picked a helluva year to move twelve timezones away…

I am amazed watching the various efforts to confront Covid-19 in the US. In particular, I am blown away watching people I care about on social media forced to jerry-rig masks, after being told for months by the CDC that they weren’t necessary or helpful. The toilet paper shortages, the lack of PPE for medical professionals, the inability of the President to articulate a coherent strategy about any it… 

It’s also really jarring to look homeward in contrast to what we’re seeing from leaders elsewhere, who are having more success combatting the virus (shouts to NZ, South Korea, and Singapore). The dire situation in the US could and should have been prevented. This irregular episode is a pandemic-centric conversation with IWL host (and my wife) Hope Bowling.

By the way, don’t worry about us. We are safe here in Abu Dhabi but we definitely are anxious about friends and family back home. So we decided to record some personal observations, takes, and reflections from here. 

Stay safe and stay home, if you can.

Here’s a link to the conversation